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In memory of
Esther and Irving Harris z"l
Esther and Tzvi Lerner z"l
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What is the Halacha Yomit?

Halacha Yomit is a Halacha (Jewish Law) curriculum, which appears on weekly sheets, containing a halacha for every school day. The program is in use by over fifty Jewish day schools in Israel and North America. It is geared toward 3rd through 9th grade (although used by a much broader audience), and is in Ivrit (Hebrew). The North American edition has difficult words translated into English. The first half of this year's material was printed with vowels, and we'll probably be continuing to vowelize the material (nikud).


What is the Parsha Primer?

Parsha Primer is a weekly parsha sheet for students and their families. The sheets are in English, and contain a summary of the parsha, Mitzvah of the Week, Middah of the Week, riddles and more. The parsha sheets are suitable for 3rd thru 9th grade. Samples of both programs are available, see "samples" on menu bar.

Overview of the Program | View sample page | Questions students sent | Frequently Asked Questions and ideas for using the program

This site designed and implemented by Tzvi Harris
© (1999) 5759- (2007) 5767 Halacha Yomit for day schools